10Mbps USO broadband scheme unveiled by the Government

10Mb USO SchemeThe Government has just revealed the details of Universal Service Obligation (USO) scheme which promises minimum 10Mb broadband for all the UK homes from 2020.

The implementation will start soon and more than 500k premises in the remote places would get access to high speed broadband for their internet access needs.

The USO would ensure that 10Mb broadband is legal right for every citizen and the pricing will be the same for the service anywhere in the UK.

The premises which lack good broadband can get high speed broadband (1Mb upload speed) through various technologies like fibre, wireless, satellite and mobile, according to the design proposed by the Government.

The total cost of implementation of 10Mbps USO could go up to £1bn, however, the scheme must be funded by providers rather than public funding, the Government said.

The scheme aims to extend high speed coverage to 99.8% of premises with the cost of each eligible premise being set to £3,400.

If the cost exceeds this limit, the user should either pay additional cost or opt alternative service such as satellite broadband.

The premises which like to benefit from the scheme would have to adopt to service on request approach. Upgrading to the new service could cost more for users, it has been stated.